Contacts generally include classification personnel, inmates, and detention deputies. Information given and received is often of a critical and confidential nature. Personal contact with the public, an inmate or arrestee occurs on a daily basis. This position may require physical contact of touching and sitting by inmates. Hand-to-hand exchanges and face-to-face verbal communications between the employee and the public, inmate and detention staff is required on a constant basis. This position may require immediate response to criminal and medical emergencies where blood, bodily fluids or other medical hazards may be present. The employee may or may not have time to take precautionary and protective measures.
Work is generally performed in a climate-controlled office or prisoner housing areas. Occasional situations may involve hazards that could result in bodily harm and/or threat to life. May encounter violent disturbances.
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office employees participate in a mandatory defined benefit program designed to help employees establish a source of income for retirement years. Through the Plan, eligible employees must set aside 9.00 percent, which is subject to change in the coming years, on a pretax basis of which the County matches at 9.50%. The County also contributes 6.2% to Social Security.
This position has been determined to be an EXTREME exposure risk to "biohazards" including, but not limited to, viruses, toxins, and blood-borne pathogens, such as HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), HBV (hepatitis B virus), and air-borne transmissions of TB (tuberculosis). Members are advised that exposure to a "biohazard" may result in severe illness and/or death. Members are required by agency policy to use protective equipment and clothing. Inoculation may be required to prevent and/or treat exposures to "biohazards".
APPLICANT DISQUALIFICATION FACTORS: Applicants are advised that areas for disqualification from further consideration include, but are not limited to, the following:
Illegal Drug Use - Applicants who have recent illegal drug usage will be disqualified. Recent drug use includes marijuana within one (1) year and all other illegal drug use within the past five (5) years. All other illegal drug use will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Any felony conviction
Any conviction involving an act of Domestic Violence
Driving Record - This includes receiving a DUI within the past five (5) years, having your driver's license suspended for any reason within the past five (5) years, and having five (5) or more tickets within the past five (5) years.
Outside activities which may be deemed a conflict of interest
Revelation or discovery of assaultive behavior
Documented record of prior work performance
Unsuccessful completion of any basic requirement
Inability to perform the essential functions of the position
Police history - type, frequency and nature of contacts(s)
Providing false or misleading information during the application/selection process
It is the policy of the Sheriff's Office to not discuss the reasons why applicants were not selected for hire. There is no flexibility to this policy. Applicants may be notified of their disqualification at any point in the selection process. If you receive such a notice, it simply means that you do not meet our standards at this time. Receiving this notice does not indicate that you are ineligible to apply with other agencies.
The screening process for any position within the Sheriff's Office may include written test(s), an oral interview, skills test(s) and/or other selection methods designed to measure applicants' ability to perform the essential functions of the job they are seeking.
Additional required tests/examinations also include:
- Phase I Suitability Exam
- Polygraph Examination
Additional screening may include:
- Psychological Evaluation
- Medical Examination, including a drug screen
- Background Investigation - This will include, but is not limited to, contact with the applicant's former employers, associates, neighbors and other pertinent sources. Applicant's military history, school records, police records and driving record will also be investigated. All examinations are conducted by qualified/licensed individuals designated by the Sheriff's Office at the Sheriff's Office expense.
Due to the nature of the application and selection process for the Sheriff's Office, applicants can reasonably expect the application process to take a significant amount of time to complete before a decision is made to hire or not to hire. Typically, it takes approximately six (6) to twelve (12) weeks from the date of application to complete the entire selection process. The length of time it takes to complete the process can vary depending on a variety of factors. Please note that this is an estimated duration of the selection process.
Employees are required to work the time periods and/or shifts, rotational and/or stationary, and location assignment, consistent with the needs of the Sheriff's Office.
All applicants hired by the Sheriff serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff of Arapahoe County and may be assigned to any of the agency's bureaus, sections or units at the discretion of the Sheriff or his duly appointed representative. Employment is at the will and pleasure of the Sheriff, per Colorado State Statute: 30-10-506. Written policies and other manuals do not alter the at will status of employment.
The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office is committed to the implementation of the community-policing concept. Community policing is an organizational strategy and philosophy which emphasizes problem solving partnerships between the Sheriff's Office, neighborhoods, and businesses working together to create a better quality of life within the community.
Successful applicants are subject to an initial status period of employment. This initial status period is twelve (12) months for all positions. The initial status period is regarded as part of the applicant's examination process and will be utilized for purposes of employee evaluation, training and adjustment to the demands of the profession. New employees, who fail to perform satisfactorily during the period, may be separated from the Sheriff's Office, depending on the circumstance of each case.
Applicants who failed a written test may reapply and retest no sooner than three (3) months from the date they took the written test. All other applicants who are disqualified can reapply with the Sheriff's Office no sooner than one (1) year from the date of notification of non-selection.
This job announcement does not constitute a contract of employment. Should there be any discrepancy or error in this job announcement, the applicable policy or pay rate will apply. The Sheriff's Office retains the right to amend this job announcement at any time without notice.
We are an equal employment opportunity employer, who fully supports and complies with ADA, EEOE M/F/D/V/SO.
Should you require an accommodation to apply for this position, please contact Human Resources.
Toll Free Applicant Technical Support: If you experience technical difficulty with the NEOGOV system (i.e. uploading or attaching documents to your online application), please call NEOGOV technical support at 855-524-5627. Helpful hints: if you are having difficulty uploading or attaching documents to your application, first, ensure your documents are PDF or Microsoft Word files, and second, close the document before you attempt uploading (attaching) it.
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